13 November 2009

World's secret weapon against global warming

These days, the mass media is filled with information on the climatic changes, whether it’s causes, consequences or the role of Man in all of this. However accurate the media is, I believe that they should dig a bit more on the solutions for these catastrophic events.
As most people know, industries are a primary source of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide. Nevertheless, it is not so known that agriculture is also a primary source of C02, the principal constituent of greenhouse gases. So, if my line of thought is correct, if you reduce C02 emissions from agriculture, you will be fighting against global warming.
Through photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and make it part of their structure and eventually the soil’s too. When you till crop land, you release carbon to the atmosphere which then binds to oxygen and forms C02 again.
So, if you farm organically without plowing and use winter cover crops you will aid the absorption of carbon dioxide (organic farms take up 30% more C02 than the regular ones), the reduction of its emissions and preservation of a healthy soil. Organic farming also improves yields and quality of food, thus helping human’s health too.
In conclusion, the use of organic farm in our lives is a raw win-win situation that will help is the fight against global warming and will also gives more and better food supplies which contribute to healthier humans.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your line of thoughts. If CO2 emissions are reduced in agriculture, we are indeed fight against global warming. While viewing the video I remembered there exists a prototype of an artificial “tree” that can absorb more than thousand times faster CO2 than a “normal” tree.
    In a BBC report, Dr. Tim Fox, the report's lead author, says:
    "Artificial trees are already at the prototype stage and are very advanced in their design in terms of their automation and in the components that would be used. They could, within a relatively short duration, be moved forward into mass production and deployment.”

    I saw this information on the site
