13 November 2009


Agriculture Food production consumes a lot of water. Agriculture accounts for 24% of water abstraction in Europe.

The water is returned to the water body, is normally less than one-third. And yet, the use of agricultural water is not balanced. In some regions of southern Europe, agriculture is responsible for more than 80% of water reduction. And, the uptake is further more intense in the summer, a time when there is less water available, which exacerbates the negative impacts.
The UE finances the agriculture in the meaning of reducing water abstraction and in contrast the farmers use that money for extreme irrigation, there’s not a close call on the laws against that and the farmers use that to their benefit but for that who suffers is the people in those regions .
What can be done? The price of water is the main mechanism to encourage levels of efficiency that simultaneously addresses the economic, social and environmental needs of the surrounding societies. Studies show that if prices reflect actual costs, if the extraction is monitored effectively and if the water is paid by volume, farmers will reduce irrigation and will invest in measures to improve efficiency in water consumption.
The national and Community aid can provide additional incentives to adopt techniques of water saving. With some incentives the farmers only have to do their part.

Anex:in Cyprus, severe water shortages in 2008 necessitated importing water using tankers.
InTurkey's abstraction for irrigation much of it drawn from illegally drilled wells,has severely reduced the surface area of the country's second largest lake, Lake Tuz.
sources: http://www.eea.europa.eu/

1 comment:

  1. I think the answer is in the way of watering the products, most of the water evaporates. This is another problem that just need to be fixed in people's minds and interfere in their way of thinking.
    Nice information by the way.

    Daniel Madruga
