14 November 2009


What’s wrong with the fishing? According to some UE numbers there are too many fishing boats, fleets and that they are twice as bigger as needed, which causes the reduction of the number of the water species. 25% of the fish stocks are overexploited, 7% are depleted, 52% are completely used and if it continues some species will be completely extinct, that only came back on us.Fish is a very important resource to our organism and to the balanced of the sea and the world. In some regions across the world the overfishing as already showed their side effects and some species disappeared from those “lands”. But not all is lost! There’s many things to be done, we can replace sea fishing by farming fish, we can reduce ours fleets size, number and capacity, laws to restrain the abusive fishing, control in the amount of sea life the ships bring, the areas they use (do to the destruction of very important sea plants and rare animals) and sanction if it breaks the limit, and you can create a blog talking about the environmental problems and solutions. Spread the Word!

Survival of the fittest… or the luckier?

We have forgotten that resources are scarce. Five hundred million humans live in the world’s desert lands, more than the combined population of Europe. They know the value of water. They know how to use it sparingly. Here they depend on wells replenished by fossil water which accumulated underground on the days when it rained in these deserts, twenty-five thousand years ago.”

They have to use this water for all their daily activities. In underdeveloped areas of the world such as this, the use of recourses is done with survival in mind: to gather all that is available. But when little is available, rivers, lakes or underground layers of water are sucked too rapidly, and soon become another portion of the dry land around it.

But this frenzy-like pumping of water is not fully aimed at securing basic levels of hygiene or growing food for the population around it. If countries from these areas want to survive in the global market they need do trade with the outside world and export food that has been grown with the use of this scarce water.

The once mighty river Jordan is now just a trickle. Its water has flown to supermarkets all over the world in crates of fruit and vegetables. The Jordan’s fate is not unique. Across the planet one nature river in ten no longer flows into the sea for several months of the year. Deprived of the Jordan’s water, the level of the Dead Sea goes down by over one meter per year.

Quotations from the 2009 documentary, HOME by Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

Unlucky Beauty

Earth, the most beautiful planet humanity has ever known. Our planet has a fantastic and unique thing, something that we all should preserve, that we all should maintain and love. It’s, in my opinion, a privilege and nobody can disagree that the green the landscapes Nature gave us are something superior, the perfection of the earth; we can see it all and feel it in front of the amazing places on Earth. But now, it seems like the importance of this amazing ‘connection’, disappeared from humanity… from each human being. We think we are the perfect animal, the superior being. And as we get more selfish we forget what allow us to live. Live is not to want more and more evolution, autonomy, development or just increasing the technology, but it’s to live the moment, and give things the relevance they deserve. Nothing deserves more importance than Earth, with all her resources, with all her complexity, her beauty, and her perfection. Humanity must look at what is really important and necessary: The Earth.