14 November 2009

Unlucky Beauty

Earth, the most beautiful planet humanity has ever known. Our planet has a fantastic and unique thing, something that we all should preserve, that we all should maintain and love. It’s, in my opinion, a privilege and nobody can disagree that the green the landscapes Nature gave us are something superior, the perfection of the earth; we can see it all and feel it in front of the amazing places on Earth. But now, it seems like the importance of this amazing ‘connection’, disappeared from humanity… from each human being. We think we are the perfect animal, the superior being. And as we get more selfish we forget what allow us to live. Live is not to want more and more evolution, autonomy, development or just increasing the technology, but it’s to live the moment, and give things the relevance they deserve. Nothing deserves more importance than Earth, with all her resources, with all her complexity, her beauty, and her perfection. Humanity must look at what is really important and necessary: The Earth.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. Most people forgets that this place where we live, called Earth, is changing very fast.If we don't take an attitude quickly in a few years this beautiful place where we live it won't be the paradise and it will become uninhabitable.
