11 November 2009

World at War

I hear people worrying about the possibility of a new war because of economic interests, I read everyday news about military moves from countries against others, and finally I wonder: are we humans or not?! How can’t we see we are fighting against the human race, against ourselves?! This is the real and only WORLD WAR.

We cannot pretend that we don’t know what we are doing. Maybe some people just prefer to forget how guilty they are, prefer to stay away of the consequences of humanity’s acts. But there is no place to hide, there is no escape. The only way to live is to stop the war we have created, is to start working for harmony between humans and human’s home, the Earth. There is no choice and everyone’s diligence is essential to change the misguided course of nature, to rebalance the planet. Let’s open our eyes before… the end! 

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion, your thought is right. We are fighting against ourselves, but we like that. I think that our lives are like games for the powerful people. When we play simcity and we can create tornados, aliens attacks we enjoy these things. And for the powerful people, it is all a game. They are playing with us, they don't know what poor people suffer. In the final of your post you say 'Let's open our eyes', our eyes are really open, we are the cause of this! There are so many humans that don't deserve to live in the Earth. But against that we can do nothing, because near them we are small. They're like the big fish and we're the small fish. The small fish run away, the big one eats them in a second. The point is, we don't have power to change the minds that control the Earth. So, live your life, do what you think it is right, spread the message and pray so that arrives the day in which they will fight with us.
    I respect your idea, I just wrote my opinion.
