Acid rain is every rain with a PH lower than 4,5, it can happen do to the natural gases of vulcanoes and by some biological processes that happen in the swamps, sea and in the soil. But the bigger causes to this event is due to the human being.
Our industries, power plants and our means of transportation pollute the air wich makes the acid rain. The water affected by that pollution can still move thousands of kilometers before it rains wich in most of the cases it doesn't rain were the pollution happens but in places were it doesn't happen, who gets punished are the "god guys".
The acid rains are formed by sulfur our nitrogen. Sulfur can be form by the burning of mineral coal and oil and in a small part by vulcanoes. Nitrogen is very unresponsive and for to make it reacts it requires a lot of energy wich is caused by the using of combustion engine our by electrical discharges.
Acid rain releases toxic metals that were on the ground. These metals can contaminate rivers and are inadvertently used by man, causing serious health problems, acid rain also helps to erode some of the materials used in construction, damaging some structures. The lakes may be the largest hit with the effect of acid rain because they could become fully acidified losing all it's life, it can destroy florests, and our plants in agriculture wich takes us some of our food.
To prevent this from hapenning we have to use more public transportations, take the sulfur out of the products before using them, prevent industrial areas and the use of renewable energies ( wind power, solar power...).
Anex: Acid rain can transform marble into plaster, it's one of the causes of Alzheimer.
Acid rain is a problem, because they affect the monuments, and also our health. Acid rain happen because of pollution. There are many industries and this contributes greatly to air pollution, which in turn will cause acid rain. So if you do not want rain, we can not pollute.
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Este Blog faz parte de um trabalho de grupo do 11º CT5 para a disciplina de Inglês, 2009/10 Escola Secundária de Raul Proença. As mensagens não foram corrigidas pela professora responsável.
This Blog is part of the group work from 11º CT5's English Class, 2009/10 Escola Secundária de Raul Proença. Posts haven't been examined by the teacher in charge.
Acid rain is a problem, because they affect the monuments, and also our health. Acid rain happen because of pollution. There are many industries and this contributes greatly to air pollution, which in turn will cause acid rain. So if you do not want rain, we can not pollute.